FUN! FUN! FUN!!!!!

This is a cute gift idea to give someone, put a packet of hot chocolate and spoon in a red mug and attach this poem:

Cupid made a little batch
of "Love Soup" just for you.
He blew a kiss & threw it in
in fact, he blew YOU two!
He added white & fluffy hugs
and a little stirring stick
So add hot water, sip it slow
it's sure to do the trick.


Cupid Poop

Put some of those cinnamon red hot heart shaped candies in a zip lock bag and give with this poem attached:

I couldn't send you flowers, and candy wouldn't do.
And mushy cards just didn't say the things I want them to.
So I got you something special, and here's the inside scoop.
I found you something very rare - It's genuine Cupid poop!


Valentine Hubby /Wife Coupons

Write these coupon ideas below, on small pieces of paper and roll them tight. Insert them into balloons and blow them up. Place them around the house and let your honey pop the balloons in order to collect their special coupons:

Some ideas are:
"One Free Back Rub"
"One Free Foot Rub"
"Candle-lit Dinner"
"One Night-on-the-Town"
"Their Favorite Dessert"
"One Free Car Wash"
"One Night of Hugs and Kisses"
"One Kids-free Evening"
"Good for one night of doing the Dishes"

Special Box

Wrap a small box in Valentine's Day wrapping paper or make your own by decorating red construction paper by pasting on pink hearts, and adding stickers, glitter, etc. Tie the package with a red ribbon. On regular construction paper or any kind or fancy stationery write the following poem and attach it to your special valentine's day gift box:

This is a very special box that you can never use.
The reason that it's special is that it's always new.
Whenever you feel lonely or are feeling blue.
You only have to hold it and know I think of you.
You never can unwrap it; please keep the ribbon tied.
Just hold the box close to your heart; It's filled with love inside.

A Friendship Heart

Put this saying in a little baggie and put a penny with a small heart sticker on it inside the bag.

Put me on the face of a Penny,
So I will be easy to find;
Carry me with you always,
From someone who thinks you're fine.
Touch me when you feel sad or lonely
And you will always know,
Someone's thoughts are with you
Wherever you may go.

Candy Grams

I "chews" you for my Valentine (stick of gum)
This may be "corny", but be my Valentine (candy corn pieces)
"Mint" to ask you to be mine (mint)
A "kiss" for you if you'll be mine (Hershey's kiss)
Don't burst my "bubble" - Be mine (bubble gum)
I'm no "sucker" - I want you for my Valentine (lollipop)

Valentine Bouquet
This is a great gift for a teacher. Decorate a medium sized terra cotta pot...fill with Styrofoam..cover the foam with moss. Attach candy bars (the candy bars used in the poem) to bamboo skewers (I taped them to the back, so it didn't ruin the candy) and then put these (flowers) into the pot...attach the following poem:

****All words using candy are in caps*****

Dear ______:
We want to thank you for all you do for us. You do "GOOD AND PLENTY" around here. You help us by giving us "MOUNDS" of homework, so we can "SKOR" well on all or our tests. We know that the lessons you have taught us will help us both "NOW AND LATER" in life. Sometimes you are a "HOT TAMALE", and other times a "BIG RED", but we know that you love us to (REESES) "Pieces". We also know that we make you "NUTRAGEOUS" at times. We wish we could give you a "100 GRAND" on "PAYDAY" but all we have is "HUGS" and "KISSES" and a "SYMPHONY" of voices saying Thank You....Happy Valentines Day. Hope this gift brings a "BIT O HONEY" to your day.


You can put all the candy in a bowl or basket with the poem or lay it out on poster board with the candy taking the place of the words:

My dearest SUGAR BABY, Happy Valentine's Day! May this bring a SNICKER as you read my message It will not make you CHUNKY and I am not playing TWIX on you. You are my BIT_O_HONEY BAR NONE. Our GOOD 'N PLENTY life together is like shopping on 5TH AVENUE on PAYDAY. I wish you MOUNDS of ALMOND JOY on this Valentine's Day HUGS and KISSES Love, (YOUR NAME)


My dearest SUGAR BABY, I PROMISE this bouquet will bring a SNICKER as you read my message. I am not playing a TWIX on you. You are my BIT-O-HONEY. I can always count on you in a CRUNCH, and I will always TREASURE you. Our GOOD & PLENTY life together is like 100 GRAND on PAYDAY! I love you to PIECES and wish you MOUNDS of ALMOND JOY on this Valentines day! HUGS & KISSES, NOW & LATER.......


My Dearest Sugar Baby,
Happy Valentine's Day! May this bouquet bring you a SNICKER as you read my message. You are my BIT-O-HONEY, you are worth more than a 100 GRAND to
me, I get GOO GOO eyes every time I see you. There are more stars in my eyes for you than in the MILKY WAY. Our GOOD-N-PLENTY life together is like shopping on 5TH AVENUE on PAY DAY. I know I can be CAREFREE with you. As you know, I love you NOW AND LATER and I wish you MOUNDS OF ALMOND JOY on this Valentine's Day. Hugs and Kisses,