Trace a credit card shape onto a heavy piece of paper. Use recent photos of dad and the kids. They have to be small since this is credit card size. Cut the photos and arrange on the card. When you are satisfied with the arrangement, paste them on. Add a special touch - apply lipstick to your lips and kiss the corner or center of the card for a special kiss to Daddy. Laminate the card for durability.
Here is a good poem to add to the back of the card:
My Dad
My Dad is a person
who is loving and kind,
And often he knows
what I have on my mind.
He is someone who listens,
suggests, and defends.
My Dad is one
of my very best friends!
He's proud of my triumphs,
but when things go wrong,
My Dad can be patient
and helpful and strong.
In all that I do,
my Dad's love plays a part.
There's always a place for him
deep in my heart.
And each year that passes,
I'm even more glad,
more grateful and proud
just to call him my Dad!