Fall Harvest Games and Activities

Pumpkin Seed Toss:
Number and line up 5 small baskets or crates; then have the children stand 3 feet in front of the first crate and toss seeds into the crates in sequence. Small prizes can be given for each of the crates they get their seeds in.

Corn Husking Race:
Give each child 4 ears of unhusked corn and race to see who can have all of their corn husked first.

Pumpkin Walk:
This is like a regular cakewalk except instead of numbers, place pictures of several fall items on the floor for the children to walk on and call out the names of the items instead of numbers. Use fall themed music such as "Turkey In The Straw" or "Jimmy Cracked Corn."

Floating Pumpkins:
Number the bottom of the small gourds that look like miniature pumpkins and float them in water for the children to choose one for small prizes.

Picking Apples:
A regular sucker pull can become "Apple Picking." Make a large apple tree with lots of red apples out of construction paper; then connect the tree to some pegboard. Mark the tips of the handles on only a few caramel apple suckers then poke them through the peg board holes; poke several unmarked suckers around the marked suckers; then let the kids pick an apple. Have prizes ready for those who get the marked suckers, but everyone gets to keep the sucker they pulled.

Musical Bales:
Play musical chairs with bales of straw instead of chairs. A scarecrow in the center makes a fun decoration for this game.

Turkey In The Straw:
Fill a wading pool with straw and hide a small picture of a turkey in it for groups to dig through to see who can find it first.

The Squirrel Game:
Let the kids pretend they are squirrels gathering nuts for the winter. Give each of the kids a small paper bag, then toss out several unshelled nuts onto the floor and let the kids race to see who can collect the most. Older and younger children should be separated for this game. Another way to play this game, (if you have a way to corral a large quantity of leaves) is to hide nuts beneath a large pile of leaves and give the kids a set amount of time to find as many nuts as they can.

Pumpkin Race:
Set up starting and finish lines and have the children race to see who can get their pumpkin over the finish line first using only their feet to slide the pumpkins along. No kicking the pumpkins like footballs...lol

The Classic Apple Dunking:
Need: Apples, Water, A deep pan or a half barrel, Lots of kids
You can blindfold the players or not. Put the water and apples in the barrel.
Without using hands the players must pick up an apple with their teeth! (If you
wear glasses then don't forget to take them off.)