Easter games are an important part of the celebration for many people and provide many a child with happy memories for years to come. In the U.S., even the White House gets in on the action, with their annual Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn.

Probably the most popular Easter Game is an egg hunt. You might not have to worry about preparing for this one, because if you're lucky, when you wake up on Easter morning, the Easter Bunny will have already come to your house and hidden the eggs. In this case, all you'll have to do search until you find them. However, if the bunny was too busy to hide the eggs (which he frequently is), you'll have to do it yourself. Here are a few egg hunt hints:

1. Take a count of how many eggs are hidden and how many are found. Make sure they match. The aroma of eau de rotten oeuf in July can be overpowering.

2. Don't hide eggs where pets might eat them.

3. Hide eggs in easy and difficult places to find to keep it interesting for all the kids.

4. Sometimes it's a good idea to give little kids a minute or so head start on their older siblings.

5. For extra fun, let the kids know that finding certain designated colored eggs will earn them an extra prize.

For an egg roll, you must have some sort of incline preferably a hill. The Egg Roll is basically a race; the eggs are rolled down the hill and the one that reaches the bottom first, wins. Steep hills make great races, but slow climbing.

When coloring boiled eggs, leave one white for this game which is very similar to Italian Bacci Ball. Place the white egg in the center of an open space and take turns to see who can roll their dyed egg closest to the white egg without touching or moving it.