Handprint Lamb Easter Card

Turn your hand into a lamb to make this special Easter card.

9 X 12-inch light-colored construction paper
scrap of blue construction paper
package of white hole-reinforcement rings
hole punch
black poster paint and a paintbrush
white glue
thin pick ribbon or yarn

Fold the construction paper in half to form a 6 X 9- inch card. Paint your palm black with the poster paint. Make a handprint on the front of the card with your fingers and thumb spread apart and pointing toward the bottom of the card.
Let the handprint dry before you continue.

Cover the hand part of the handprint with the hole-reinforcement rings to make the lamb's woolly coat. The four fingers will be the lamb's legs, and the thumb will be the head. Use the hole punch to make an eye for the lamb from blue paper. Make a dot in the middle of the eye with a marker and glue the eye to the thumb of the handprint. Glue a pink ribbon bow to the neck of the lamb. Use markers to add grass, flowers, and a sun. Inside the card, write "Happy Easter from your little lamb" and sign your name.