The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.
----- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Make Special Music a Tradition
Listen together to Sandi Patti's moving "Was it a Morning Like This?" Listen again. Discuss how it must have felt to see our risen Lord. Was anyone who saw him ever the same? Jesus said those who believe without having seen are blessed (John 20:29).
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"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." -- Mark Twain
In celebrating Jesus' resurrection make traditions to enrich your family's resurrection celebration and Whatever traditions you keep, remember that for believers, Easter is a celebration that really never ends.
The Jelly Bean Prayer
RED ..... is for the blood He shed. GREEN ... is for the grass He made.
YELLOW .. is for His sun so bright. ORANGE .. is for the edge of night.
BLACK ... is for our sin so grave.
WHITE ... is for the grace He gave.
PURPLE .. is for His hour of sorrow. PINK .... is for our new tomorrow! ***
An egg full of Jelly Beans so colorful and sweet.
It's a prayer! It's a promise! It's a treat!
Easter blessings to you!