Select a charity that helps those in need. Decorate a box with a slot on top. Display it where everyone at home will remember to contribute his or her change. On Easter, empty the box count the money together and put a check in the mail. This custom can be directly related to the preceding one: giving up to give. While we usually think of Christmas for gift giving, Easter has a richer heritage. God gave his Son. Jesus gave his life. Jesus told us clearly, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40).
Make Easter baskets for your children that include items with a spiritual focus:
a Bible-verse bookmark
a small book on some spiritual subject
a cassette of praise music
fresh wildflowers
a small amount of candy to break their Lenten fast.
positive life affirmations
Choose one or more families in your neighborhood to receive a surprise Easter basket. You can make small ones often crafted from pint-size strawberry baskets, but fill them with personalized eggs and the same kinds of treats you put in your children's baskets. The surprise baskets are left on your friends' front doorsteps early on Easter morning. Try making a basket filled with Easter egg cookies!
Or, fill baskets with surprises, such as all the fixings for Eggs Benedict, hollandaise sauce, English muffins, eggs and Canadian bacon.