Mystery Dinner

A great idea for April Fool's Day...
or any other day you want to have fun!

Here's how it works... Your invited guests will be given a mysterious menu from which they choose five courses. The choices remain a mystery to your guests until they are served. That's when the surprises and laughter begin!

Dinner Rules Given to Guests on Arrival ---

* You will be served five courses.
* Each course will contain five items served in the order selected.
* We insist that each course be finished before the next course is served.
* Please list your selection by number. This will help speed up the service.
* Cross off each number as you enter it under your selections. No numbers may be eliminated or used more than once.
* All utensils and food remnants will be removed after each course, leaving a nice, clean table for the next course.
* Don't worry about proper etiquette... have fun!


1. Jersey's Best
2. Steamed Glacier
3. Irish Eyes
4. Divided Branches
5. Exotic Blubber
6. Pucker Power
7. Jack
8. Sailor's Crumbs
9. Degreaser
10. Beau's Dream
11. Rolling Stones
12. Old Remedy
13. Lover's Delight
14. Bats and Balls
15. Palate's Paradise
16. Autumn Leaves
17. Farmer's Alarm
18. Perfect Pitch
19. Soaker
20. Cat's Eyes
21. Devil's Horns
22. Golden Rods
23. Pine Forest
24. Liquid Gold
25. Cool Conclusion

Mystery Dinner Actual Menu

After your guests make their selections,
these are the items you will actually serve to them.

1. Ice Cream
2. Water
3. Baked Potato
4. Fork
5. Jell-O
6. Pickle
7. Knife
8. Crackers
9. Napkin
10. Spoon
11. Meatballs
12. Chicken Soup
13. Candy Kiss
14. Carrot Sticks & Peas
15. Cupcake
16. Salad
17. Chicken
18. Fork
19. Napkin
20. Olives
21. Forks
22. Mostaciolli or Spaghetti
23. Toothpicks
24. Orange Juice
25. Milk

Planning Tips
When sending out invitations, ask guests to RSVP. Copy enough menus so you have one for each guest. Put each guest's name at the top of his or her menus. Have guests place 5 ones (#1) by the first course items, 5 twos (#2) by the second course items and so on.

Plan on at least one server for every four people, because they will have to read each list separately and fix each plate differently. For example, if a guest orders numbers 5, 7, 15, 23, and 25 for the first course, he or she will be served Jell-O, a knife, a cupcake, toothpicks, and a glass of milk.

Use paper plates, cups, bowls, and inexpensive plastic utensils, because they will be discarded after each course. Take your time when serving... your guests won't mind waiting... everyone loves a little suspense!